Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The invention is the easy part!

I found out something interesting while going through the process of getting a product to market. The invention was the easy part. This might not be true for all inventions but for me it was. Thinking of the product, building a prototype, troubleshooting problems and fixing them, etc., has been easier than the rest. One word of advice I can give is, once you have your final version, start working on the packaging. If your product is meant for store shelves, go to a store that might carry it and see what their packaging looks like. You can find custom packaging suppliers on the internet.

Another thing to be aware of is product testing. Is your product meant for children or adults? The testing requirements are different. Are you going to get Product Liability insurance? You can go to CPSC for information and testing requirements of products.

Then there's the marketing. You can have the greatest invention since sliced bread, but if no one knows it exist, you won't sell it. The other end of the marketing spectrum is, you can have the biggest piece of %^&*(&, market it right and sell millions. But wait, there's more...... enough said.

Do you have the expertise to build a website? I didn't think that I did, but I'm stubborn and like a challenge. There are many hosting sites that have fairly easy web site templates to follow. You just want to make sure that they have a good support team. I used online chat a lot. It took me a couple of months but our web site was up and running. It is constantly being adjusted but now it's enjoyable.

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