How many times have you said I have a great idea? I can tell you from experience that just about everybody has great ideas at some time. You never know what will trigger a great idea. I can also tell you that inventing for just about everyone follows a certain path. If you talk to anyone who has invented a product that is on the market, you will learn that most likely it's not their first invention. I know for myself, the first million dollar idea I had made it about as far as a rough drawing that I then proceeded to place in an envelope and mail to myself for "protection" of my idea. ( totally useless by the way). The next great idea I had made it a little farther. I actually researched the parts needed to build it. I soon decided that it was to expensive to market and didn't pursue it any farther. Of course now I know that I could have built a prototype, filed a provisional patent application and then approached someone to manufacture it. Once things start being manufactured on a large scale the cost come down considerably.
You get the picture. Each time I had a million dollar idea, I took it a little farther in the process, and each time I would decide that the market wasn't there for what ever reason. The market was either to small, the price would be to high etc. Eventually, you hit on an idea that the stars align for you. The market is huge, the product can be manufactured at a reasonable price and you can make a good return on your investment.
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