I've been working on our web site for a little over a year now. Through all this time, I have read books, searched online, talked to companies that specialize in SEO and website rankings, played around with google adwords. All to no avail. We still rank low on searches for our product and the problem it solves. This last Friday my wife and I met with someone from SCORE. They are a free organization formed usually of retired business people. They can help everyone from starting a business plan to opening the doors.
We met with a guy who specializes in SEO. He's not retired, but volunteers once a week. We talked for an hour and after he assured me that I know a lot about the internet and web sites we made another appointment for next week. That's because if I know a lot, you really need an expert to help you out. I don't know 1/10th of what I need to know to make our site a success. I'm going to try and go the free route for now and see how much free information I can suck from his brain. I'm stubborn and like a challenge. Probably a bad combination but hey, it's how I'm wired.